Winter Camp

Welcome to Lighthouse Children’s Ministry!

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22:6

We want children who know their value, importance and destiny, making right decisions and as a result will live pure, purposeful, and passionate lives as adults.

Lighthouse Tyres

Latest news

  • Children’s camp 2024

    Winter camp in 10 rooms was a success with our partners from USA, over 150 children for 4 days every day was a blessing to us

    7th July to 15th July 2023, We had partners from the USA for winter camps in 10 rooms, outskirts of Pretoria. There were over 150 children daily for the whole week, to God be the glory. The Lighthouse winter camp was a success.

    CMT, 20 students successfully finished the 3 weeks training and graduated as Children’s Ministry teachers, was a joy and praise to God for new workers trained to win children to the Lord. The day was colorful with Lightheart students graduating the same day.

    3rd to 7th July Our team represented in Eswatin for the royal Rangers camp, dubbed Afrcamp with delegates from African Asia and Europe, over 300 people. To God be the glory.